Hearts and Arrows | Heart and Cupid

Heart and Arrow

The cut of the true diamond connoisseur. Hearts and Arrows or Heart and Cupid. Please see Japan’s largest grading laboratory’s strict grading standards for this cut grade. Japanese and English versions available.

English technical translation done by Mark Hiroshi Willis.

Hearts and Arrows (Hearts)Hearts and Arrows (Arrows)

For further information, contact us at: info@diamonds.co.jp

Located in Tokyo, Japan we specialize in 1 carat and up, diamond engagement rings.

We also carry a regular line of wedding bands, eternity rings, diamond earrings, diamond necklaces, and unique diamond accessories.

Diamond Eternity Rings

Diamond Eternity Rings
By Mark Hiroshi Willis

Every woman wants a diamond eternity ring. Their timeless beauty and simple design allows them to be worn in any situation.
