Gold in Tokyo: Prices Are Dipping, What Will You Do?

The markets are a wreck and people are fleeing to cash.  What usually happens at this time?  People sell their gold to cover their positions.  Kinda crazy if you ask me, but I just look at this as another buying opportunity.  Can gold go down even further?  Yes I believe it can, but again the long term trend is to go up.  I will begin averaging in at these lower prices and start by buying a nice gold present for myself and my daughter since we have September birthdays.

And from there, if I see gold breaking the low $1,700′s then we will see it go much lower and I will start buying heavily.

So what will you do?  Will you buy gold or sell gold?

Let us know at:

By Mark Hiroshi Willis

***  Next show is at the Shinjuku Hyatt Regency from 9/29/2011 to 10/03/2011 ***

Specializing in diamonds and diamond jewelry.

Diamonds Tokyo: Top 5 Most Interesting Places To Sell Diamonds

Over the years, I have had quite a few memorable experiences in my business.  From being there at the actual marriage proposal, to attending weddings, and sharing the excitement of a new born baby.   Last night I got to experience another one of those joyful moments, where I delivered a client his diamond engagement ring.  The joyful part was not only about seeing a customer’s happy face, it was more of about the actual location.

This gave me the idea to write this piece: Top 5 Most Interesting Places To Sell Diamonds.

So the countdown begins.   Enjoy.

#5:  The boardrooms of some of the largest international investment banks.  Over the years, I have sold numerous diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond necklaces, etc… in the boardrooms of various investment banks.  Typically, many of my clients are busy individuals who just do not have the time to go out and search the streets of Ginza for jewelry.  The funny part is, I sometimes know the locations of the meeting rooms better than the client, and end up leading the way.

#4:  Starbucks.  Hmmm I can’t even begin to count the number of diamonds I have sold in Starbucks.  And to add to the list of coffee shops there have been diamond sales in Doutour, Cafe de Crie, the local Mom and Pop coffee shop etc…

#3:  Would you like diamonds with that hamburger?  OK similar to the above coffee shops, I have also sold diamonds in McDonald’s, Lotteria, Mos Burger, etc…

#2:  The open trunk of a car in a parking lot.  Hmm sounds pretty shady to me.  Believe me, it looked shady.  The client actually had quite a few things to dump into his car and also a busy schedule.  So instead of heading to a Starbucks or McDonald’s, we actually did the deal right there.  Counting a stack of cash and handing over a small bag with some expensive merchandise inside.

#1:  And finally we get to last nights delivery.  As I said, the joyful part was not the happy customer, but the actual location.  Drum roll please.  And the #1 Most Interesting Place To Sell Diamonds is:  Hooters!!! Ahhh, life is hard and some of us have to work late at places like Hooters. Drinking beers, eating chicken wings and dealing with the noise and distractions of the staff.  Yes, my job is tough and the sacrifices I make are tough.

So if anyone would like to discuss diamonds in Hooters, please let me know.

By Mark Hiroshi Willis

Specializing in 1 carat and up diamond engagement rings, earrings, pendants etc…

For more information contact us at:

Or visit us at our new office at:  Hooters

Keywords:  Diamonds Tokyo, Diamond Engagement Rings, Hooters Japan
