Gold Trading 101: All I Want For My Birthday Is GOLD!!!

September 17th is my birthday.  And though I should be relaxing and enjoying the day, most likely I will be working as I have to deliver a ring to a client, head to the factory, fulfill some new orders, and work on new pieces for my next diamond and jewelry show at the end of the month in Shinjuku (Tokyo, Japan).

Is there anything out there that I want for my birthday?  Well, other than a long holiday in Thailand, the only thing I can think about is gold and some silver.  Luckily for me, the markets took a nice dip today and have offered me a chance to buy in and work on my average.  Could it go any lower?  Yes it could, but in the long term if you look at history and human nature, I only see the price going up.  So instead of buying more “Stuff” that I don’t need, I will go out and buy another gold bar or two.

By Mark Hiroshi Willis

Specializing in 1 carat and up diamond engagement rings and diamond jewelry.

Keywords:  Diamonds Tokyo, Gold, Silver.
