Diamond 4C’s | Color.

By Mark Hiroshi Willis (GIA G.G.)

Diamond Color.

By using controlled lighting and precise viewing conditions, gemologist will grade each stone for its color.

The five main categories are:

1. Colorless = D,E,F.

2. Near Colorless = G,H,I,J.

3. Faint Yellow = K,L,M.

4. Very Light Yellow = N,O,P,Q,R.

5. Light Yellow = S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.

After the standard five categories above, we move into Z+ stones or fancy color diamonds that can be extremely rare and expensive. Pinks, reds, blues, greens, oranges, and even yellows that show extreme color can be more expensive than the prized D color. Then there are the browns (champagne, cognac, and chocolate), which are more affordable. And finally black diamonds, which are the cheapest color range available.

To the untrained eye the color distinctions are so subtle and practically invisible. But these slight differences can make a very big difference in diamond quality and price.

Key Points

• In Japan, when we look at the bridal diamond market, the typical range has always been Colorless or F up in color. Things are changing though, many famous international brands will use G and H Color stones (or even lower color stones for fashion rings, pendants or earrings).

• Unless you are a professional, you probably will not be able to tell the difference in one color grade such as a D and E color (Maybe even two grades).

• Once the stone is set, it becomes more difficult to distinguish the color grade, even for a professional. And if you take into consideration the dirt, soap and hand cream residue that accumulates on a diamond through normal wear, it is almost impossible to get an accurate grading.

• People are always comparing stones, but to the untrained eye if you have one stone by itself, it is almost impossible to tell the color grade. Remember, most people do not wear multiple engagement rings and/or sit there comparing the color of their friend’s diamond ring side by side.

For further information, contact us at: info@diamonds.co.jp

Located in Tokyo, Japan we specialize in 1 carat and up, diamond engagement rings.

We also carry a regular line of wedding bands, eternity rings, diamond earrings, diamond necklaces, and unique diamond accessories.
